Good morning, HTM family! Did you know… Cows “moo” with different accents? 🐄
Good morning, HTM family! “I find it amusing that we’re all pretending to be normal...
Good morning, HTM Family! “You can’t pour from an empty cup.”
Woot woot! Today we have some exciting news… It’s our 2 year Newsletter-iversary!! 🥳
Good morning, HTM Family! Try this real quick…
Hello and happy Tuesday! “Show me your friends —> and I’ll show you your future”
Good morning, HTM Family! A quick reminder to start the week…
Good morning, HTM Family! “The day you plant the seed is not the day you get to eat the fruit”
Happy Tuesday, HTM Family! A couple reminders for today…
Good morning, HTM Family! [Hey Chat GPT: “Pretend you are the late Charlie Munger and write a short poem about what true wealth is in life and how to achieve it”]…
Good morning, lovely souls! If you don’t create a routine, you will be assigned one...
Good morning, money lovers!! FEELING: I’m way behind financially…